Dr. Arapidis specializes in all aspects of podiatric care. He provides a multitude of services including: general podiatric care, treatment of diseases and trauma of the foot and ankle, diabetic wound management, elective and reconstructive foot & ankle surgery, pediatric/geriatric care, custom made orthotics, whirlpool therapy, as well as on site X-rays, non-invasive vascular and neurological testing.
Running and Track Injuries to the Foot and Ankle Whether an athlete is a recreational, competitive, or elite runner, foot and ankle health is essential for optimal performance. Runners are susceptible to overuse injuries including heel pain (plantar fasciitis), Achilles tendonitis, sesamoiditis, neuromas, capsulitis of the second toe, stress fractures, posterior tibial tendonitis (or PTTD), […]
Learn MoreRugby Injuries to the Foot and Ankle Rugby is hard on the feet and ankles! Injuries can occur from running and cutting, direct trauma during tackling, and during the scrum. Rugby players should be aware of the following risks: Inversion ankle sprains can damage the ankle ligaments, and can also be associated with peroneal tendon […]
Learn MoreOsteoporosis (Osteopenia) Osteoporosis, which means “porous bone,” is a condition in which bones become weak and thin due to lack of calcium. People with osteoporosis have an increased risk of bone fractures (breaks). Osteoporosis is often called the “silent disease” because many people do not realize they have it. However, pain can occur when a […]
Learn MoreIngrown Toenails in Children Parents can help prevent a common and painful foot problem in children by following a few simple tips. Foot and ankle surgeons say ingrown toenails are a common condition they treat in children. The doctors blame tight shoes, tight socks and incorrect nail trimming for most cases. In other cases, children […]
Learn MoreRestless Legs An uncontrolled urge to move one’s legs is referred to as “restless legs.” This can happen while trying to sleep, while traveling, or any time the legs are at rest. There is no known test to diagnose the problem; instead, the foot and ankle surgeon considers the individual’s history to determine possible causes […]
Learn MoreTarsal Tunnel Syndrome What Is the Tarsal Tunnel? The tarsal tunnel is a narrow space that lies on the inside of the ankle next to the ankle bones. The tunnel is covered with a thick ligament (the flexor retinaculum) that protects and maintains the structures contained within the tunnel—arteries, veins, tendons, and nerves. One of […]
Learn MoreSoccer Injuries to the Foot and Ankle Soccer is hard on the feet! Injuries to the foot and ankle can occur from running and side to side cutting, sliding or tackling, and from striking the ball or another player with the foot. Soccer players should be aware of the following risks: Inversion ankle sprains can […]
Learn MoreSmelly Feet A smelly foot is a common condition in children and adults who wear shoes on a daily basis. People with smelly feet may also suffer from sweaty feet. Most people with this condition will have sweaty and smelly feet year round, not just in the hot summer months. The odor is produced by bacteria and/or […]
Learn MoreSoft Tissue Biopsy What is a Soft Tissue Biopsy? A soft tissue biopsy is the removal and microscopic examination of a small sample of soft tissue for diagnostic purposes. “Soft tissue” includes the skin, fat, muscle, and tendons that surround, connect, or support other tissues or organs. Soft tissue biopsies require little time or involvement […]
Learn MoreSesamoid Injuries in the Foot What is a Sesamoid? A sesamoid is a bone embedded in a tendon. Sesamoids are found in several joints in the body. In the normal foot, the sesamoids are two pea-shaped bones located in the ball of the foot, beneath the big toe joint. Acting as a pulley for tendons, the […]
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